«Through this issue of Shark News, we can again get a sense of how important landing/market surveys are in understanding the status of sharks and how fisheries are impacting them. At the same time, fisheries-independent tools can give us a better understanding of the distribution of species, their habitat use, and abundance in certain areas. In our Q&A series, Chelsea Stein introduces us to two early career scientist members from Malaysia and The Maldives...We learn about collaborations and how data sharing can boost conservation knowledge and action through platforms such as eOceans and trackdAT. The Sawfish Conservation Society is also a platform that has continued its critical work to ensure that efforts to conserve sawfishes are scaled up around the world through awareness and the promotion of collaboration amongst researchers globally. We have an update from the ReShark project with information on how this initiative can also benefit other species be-yond the Indo-Pacific Leopard Shark. Our fourth series of fact sheets on human impacts on sharks and rays relates to climate change... In parallel, we have stories from Namibia on chimaeras being preyed on by Cape Fur Seals... From Asia, we first delve into the cultural significance of wedgefishes in China and Indonesia through the lens of poetry. The Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRA) project continues building momentum and keeps us very busy! It has been so rewarding to work with over 800 contributors from around the world... We continue putting sharks on the map and have just returned from our workshop to delineate areas in the New Zealand and Pacific Islands region. Finally, we have a small update on the Global Status of Sharks, Rays, and Chimaeras» Dr Rima W. Jabado: IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group (SSG) Chair We also would like to thank and recognise the many contributors who have contributed and helped to shape this tenth issue: Rima Jabado, Michael Scholl, Peter Scholl, Chelsea Stein, Alexandra Morata, Simon J. Pierce, Christine Dudgeon, Ryan Charles, Christine Ward-Paige, Jessica Amacker, Michael I. Grant, Nicole Phillips, Jordan Matley, Natalie Klinard, Charlie Huveneers, Oscar Sosa-Nishizaki, Ruth Leeney, Matthew T. McDavitt, Rex Lee Lee, Faqih Akbar Alghozali, Maula Nadia Rachmanto, Nazia Hossain, Joanna Harris, Ciaran Hyde, Elisa Areano, Zev Landes, Daniel Fernando, David Ebert, Marc Dando, Cassandra Rigby, Brittany Finucci, and all the IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group (SSG) members.
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January 2025