Assess Working Group
- Dr. Cassandra Rigby | based in Australia (Oceania Region member)
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is the most comprehensive information source on the global extinction risk status of animal, fungus, and plant species. The SSG is responsible for the assessment of all known shark, ray, and chimaera species for the Red List. Assessments are an important component of the SSG workplan as the assessment process is essentially continuous. Each assessment only has a lifespan of 10 years and therefore species need to be reassessed every decade. Furthermore, assessments are needed for newly described species and taxonomic changes. Members of this group will have broad regional and taxonomic coverage and will eventually serve as the Red List Authority for the SSG, led by the Red List Authority Coordinator.
The tasks of this Working Group will be to
- Develop and facilitate a Red List training program for Working Group members;
- Administer the global shark, ray, and chimaera list of Red List status and reassessment scheduling;
- Coordinate the timely production of 25+ new species assessments and taxonomic concept changes per year; and
- Complete Red List reassessments for current species assessments expiring in 2021–2024.
‘Forming the Assess Working Group provides a new and exciting opportunity for SSG members to be more actively involved in the work of the Red List Authority Coordinator and directly contribute to Red List Assessment of chondrichthyans. I am looking forward to working with SSG members to keep our Red List assessments up to date and the key resource for extinction risk status of sharks, rays, and chimaeras.’
Dr. Cassandra Rigby |
Explore the other IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group Working Groups: