Our brand
The Shark Specialist Group (SSG) operates under the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Commission (SSC).
« The IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group (SSG) is recognized as the global leading authority on the status of sharks, rays, and chimaeras. »
In a world of increased branding, it is more important than ever to project a clear and consistent image that correctly reflects our vision, mission, and credibility. The brand identity for the SSG clearly highlights the different species that the SSG works with while the color blue was chosen to symbolise the aquatic system in which they live. The design of the SSG logo truly embodies our vision for the future.
Using the logo
The SSG brand is more than just a logo – it is an identity. Our brand serves as a way to present ourselves to the public; it expresses who we are and what we stand for. The SSG brand guidelines enable us to present a consistent visual image and unify us as a team.
Note that only the SSG Executive Committee and Regional Vice Chairs are authorized to represent the SSG using the logo by itself, and only after written approval by the SSG Chair. This applies to all types of printed and digital material.
The document below outlines detailed information on color, size, and appropriate usage of our brand.
Note that only the SSG Executive Committee and Regional Vice Chairs are authorized to represent the SSG using the logo by itself, and only after written approval by the SSG Chair. This applies to all types of printed and digital material.
The document below outlines detailed information on color, size, and appropriate usage of our brand.
For a copy of the logo and permissions to use the logo, please contact the SSG Chair or your respective Regional Vice Chairs.
Please visit the following pages for more information on our standards on: