Our Team
The IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group (SSG) has updated its operational structure for the 2021–2025 quadrennium. It currently operates with a Chair, two Red List Authority Coordinators, Regional Vice-Chairs, and Working Group Chairs.
The SSG is the global Red List Authority for sharks, rays, and chimaeras. All IUCN Red List of Threatened Species assessments are guided by the Red List Authority Coordinator(s) (RLAC), who ensures that all known species' statuses remain updated.
Regional Vice-Chairs (RVCs) are appointed for each of the SSG regions and coordinate SSG members' work in these regions, represent the SSG within their communities and among regional stakeholders, and serve as the official link between their respective region and the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC). RVCs play a key role in linking global conservation priorities to the local level and vice versa.
Working Group Chairs (WGCs) coordinate groups of members with expertise on specific topics related to some of the most pressing issues concerning sharks, rays, and chimaeras research and conservation. WGCs identify global and regional priorities within their 'themes' and provide guidance and act as the SSG's expert network for their respective topics
The SSG is the global Red List Authority for sharks, rays, and chimaeras. All IUCN Red List of Threatened Species assessments are guided by the Red List Authority Coordinator(s) (RLAC), who ensures that all known species' statuses remain updated.
Regional Vice-Chairs (RVCs) are appointed for each of the SSG regions and coordinate SSG members' work in these regions, represent the SSG within their communities and among regional stakeholders, and serve as the official link between their respective region and the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC). RVCs play a key role in linking global conservation priorities to the local level and vice versa.
Working Group Chairs (WGCs) coordinate groups of members with expertise on specific topics related to some of the most pressing issues concerning sharks, rays, and chimaeras research and conservation. WGCs identify global and regional priorities within their 'themes' and provide guidance and act as the SSG's expert network for their respective topics