Northern Europe Regional Group
Regional Vice-Chairs (RVCs)
- Dr Sophy McCully Phillips | Cefas | UK
- Ms Heike Zidowitz | WWF | Germany
Regional Members
- Mr Alexandre Bartolí | SUBMON | Spain
- Mrs Nuria Baylina | Oceanio de Lisboa | Portugal
- Dr Hollie Booth | Oxford University | UK
- Dr Maurice Clarke | Marine Institute | Ireland
- Dr Manuel Dureuil | Shark and Ray Conservation Centre (SHARCC) | Germany
- Dr Jim Ellis | CEFAS | UK
- Ms Sarah Fowler | Save Our Seas Foundation | UK
- Ms Ali Hood | The Shark Trust | UK
- Mr Max Janse | Royal Burgers' Zoo, Rotterdam | Netherlands
- Dr Arve Lynghammar | UiT The Artic University of Norway | Norway
- Ms Eva Meyers | Angel Shark Project | University of Bonn | Germany
- Dr Alexei Orlov | Department of Marne and Freshwater Fisheries of Russia, VNIRO | Russia
- Dr Nuno Queiroz | University of Porto | Portugal
- Dr Cristina Rodriguez-Cabello | Spanish Institute of Oceanography | Spain
- Dr Matthias Schaber | Thünen | Institute of Sea Fisheries | Germany
- Mr Michael Scholl | Consultant | Switzerland
- Mr Bernard Seret | IchthyoConsult | France
- Prof David Sims | Marine Biological Association of the UK | UK
- Dr Nicolas Straube | University Museum, Department of Natural History, University of Bergen | Norway
- Dr Paddy Walker | Dutch Elasmobranch Society | Netherlands